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Poise + Performance | Coach Myreon Sartin | Unexplainable Faith

Carroll W

high jumper and track coach myreon sartin

Leaper, Myreon Sartin

We are so excited to feature our friend Athlete and Coach, Myreon Sartin in our Poise and Performance column this week! Myreon is an athlete from the South whose passion for his sport runs as deep as his Mississippi culture. He's quietly building a stable of champions while continuing to compete and do what he loves.

What inspires you?

The feeling of achievement either for others or myself.

Can you share a memorable moment for each?

My most memorable moments would have to be getting a track scholarship (only one) to Alcorn State University. A couple of my teammates received scholarships that year and I wanted one too, so I started eating right and doing as many of the right things as possible to get that scholarship and it worked out. I was offered like two weeks before the end of the school year! I later transferred to Southern Mississippi, but I definitely thank Alcorn for getting my foot in the collegiate door.

God is allowing me to help many athletes achieve their goals. I'd say coming back home and creating an environment where these kids can see more through sports; whether it be becoming a state champion, getting scholarships, running in out of state meets/invitations, USATF Youth circuits, etc... That gives the WHOLE town a since of achievement.

"What's Understood Aint Gotta Be Explained" - Myreon Sartin

What are your athletic goals for this season?

The main goal is to stay healthy. (I believe if you are healthy then your goals are obtainable) other than that.... clearing 2.14m at every competition this season.


Myreon is also the Head Track Coach at Tylertown High School in Tylertown, Mississippi. They have had great success including

  • State Champions- over 30 individual event/relay champions (2011-2018)

  • 7x defending Team State Championships in a row (2011-present)

  • 7 Collegiate Track Scholarships (2011-2018)

  • 2016 State High Jump Sweep 1-2-3 ( First to ever do so in MS)

  • 2017 State 200m Sweep 1-2-3 ( First to ever do so in MS)

Check them out in action below!


What is your personal favorite quote that you use to inspire athletes? What will they say one day when they say..."Remember Coach Sartin used to always say!"

"We Are Champions ; What's Understood Aint Gotta Be Explained" I don't really give motivation speeches before track meets so I tell them the above, then we pray, and go compete!

Mississippi may not be the first place that comes to mind for some people when they think of track powerhouses. Your work and athletes like your friend Tori Bowie and Britney Reese is definitely changing that. What is it about Mississippi that creates such cultivates such great talent?

Mississippi has always been sort of looked over as far as just about EVERYTHING to be honest. We've always had the natural talent here in MS, but the exposure was/is the difference maker. We just have a "blue collar" mentality here in MS, we are use to the grind so when we apply that to athletics there's no limit to the possibilities. Recently, there have been several World & Olympic Qualifiers/Medalists from the state including Trell Kimmons, Tori Bowie, Britney Reese, Bianca Knight, Sam Kendricks, Erica Bougard, and Ricky Robertson, all whom competed in Major Meets ranging between 2008 Olympics & 2017 IAAF World Championships in London. Not to mention the legends, Sprinter Mildrette Netter (68', 72') and Coach Charlie Floyd that paved the way for so many past and present MS Track Athletes.

What is the most significant challenge you face in achieving your goal?

Dealing with the things that I can’t control is always the biggest challenge, because you can’t really do too much about those. One challenge I can control will be getting stronger in the weight room. I have pretty good bounce, it’s just the absolute strength where I lack.

High Jumper and the "Bounce Coach" Myreon Sartin

What is a technical aspect of your sport you are focusing on or have previously improved?

This year, I will focus more on my approach to the bar. I tend to decelerate a bit before takeoff, but we’re working on pushing through the curve and taking off with a controlled speed.. that’s where the weights come in at.

What is your approach to Recovery?

I recover through nutrition, rest, chiropractic adjustments & iON Soaks. It’s that simple..

What might you say to inspire other athletes?

No matter your situation, just keep grinding. You never know who’s watching or who you’re inspiring!

Coach Sartin still has a few hops of his own!

What do you like about iON?

iON has benefited me in many ways. By being all natural, my body isn’t exposed to harmful chemicals that’s in most athletic recovery products. I remember using the Recharge

athlete myreon sartin and ion performance bath soak

soak at a meet in Denver after jet lag and a long day of travel, I jumped a height I hadn’t cleared since my collegiate days, seven yrs ago!

myreon sartin

Follow Myreon!

IG @bounce_coach


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