What I absolutely love about athletics is the sense of community it enables . I've been blessed to meet people from all over the world, athletes of all ages, spanning many sports from backyard to pro, and there's always that common spirit of aspiration, pursuance and empowerment. One of our newest "iON Buddies" is Masters Runner, Motivator and Pro Mom, Angela Maciocia. From first contact I could tell there is a kindred spirit and was excited to learn more about her and share her journey.
Masters Runner, Influencer and Power Mom, Angela Maciocia
Angela! What Sports/Fitness Activities do you compete in? I have been running since the age of 8. I ran track in high school, the 1500m was my main event. I have been competing in road races (5k to Marathon) for the past 6 years.
What inspires you? Generally, anyone who continues towards any goal while overcoming adversity & obstacles, refusing to give up at all costs.
But specifically my younger son Noah who is on the Autism Spectrum. He has overcome & surpassed EVERY limit that has ever been placed upon him & continues to thrive.
What is your current season goal? I am currently working on my base fitness after taking some time off after my 2019 season. I finished with with 4 new personal bests (Mile, 5k, 10k & half marathon), winning 2/3 races (overall female in the 5k & 10k) & was 5th overall female in the half marathon, 1st in my age group.
I also improved my Mile time (road time trials during the season). All this after coming back from a serious lower back injury that I sustained in April 2018. My 2020 running goals aren’t set yet, but I would like to train for a Marathon, work on my 10k & half marathon time & have a go at a trail race!
"Remain true to yourself, stay focused but flexible in your methods & get right back up every time you fall."
What is the most significant challenge you face in achieving your goal? Working as a full-time Special Education teacher (adults with disabilities), being a Special Needs mom (my younger son is on the Autism Spectrum & my oldest has an ADHD diagnosis), upholding everything on my own as my husband often travels for work, and trying to find balance WHILE finding the time & energy to train is my biggest challenge. I also need A LOT more rest & recovery as I am getting older. I will be 45 in July 2020.

Angela competing in the Demi-Marathon de Longueuil
What is a technical aspect of your sport that you are focusing on or have previously improved? I have come a long way with proper running technique & breathing. Almost all of my easy runs are done while only breathing out of my nose. Many benefits to nasal breathing!
What is your approach to Recovery?
Although next season may look different, this season we went with 2-3 intense sessions per week with easy/slow runs in between. I ran 6 days/week with one day completely off. I spend at least 30min/day on rolling & mobility while prioritizing daily meditation, deep breathing & journaling. I don’t leave the house without doing these 3 things daily! Then my nightly Epsom Salts baths.....
Angela demonstrates her Recovery Roll Technique
Please share an inspirational pearl of advice...
I love this quote by Tony & Erica Douglas(In Your Corner Podcast). “Your greatness and your accomplishments are going to be measured by how much adversity you overcame because that is ultimately what makes you great at what you do”.
Whatever your goals are, know that there will be times when you will want to give up. When the odds will be stacked against you & there will be the “naysayers” that will question your journey, your “why”. Remain true to yourself, stay focused but flexible in your methods & get right back up every time you fall. You will only become stronger & closer to achieving your goals!
Follow Angela!
IG: @angelamaciocia
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